Learn How to Create Art Like a Tattoo Artist!

Foundational Art & Skills Training

Concerned your artistic skills are not ready for a Tattoo Apprenticeship?

We understand, and we are here to help!

Train and develop your art skills on Saturdays for 6 Weeks with Tattoo Artist and Tattoo Apprenticeship Instructor, Louise Gasca!

Train with Tattoo Artist & Ink Different's Art & Design Instructor, Louise Gasca!

What You'll Learn in Your Saturday Art & Skills Training

Week 1: Form, Shape, and Structure

In this first week of our course, we will delve into the fundamental concepts of form, shape, and structure in art. These concepts are essential for any visual artist, including tattoo artists, as they lay the foundation for creating compelling and meaningful artwork.

Week 2: Perspective

Perspective is a crucial concept in art that gives the illusion of three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional surface. In this second week of our course, we will explore the principles of perspective and how they can be applied to tattoo art.

Week 3: Anatomy

An understanding of anatomy is essential for tattoo artists, as tattoos often involve depicting the human form. In this third week of our course, we will focus on the basics of human anatomy and how it relates to tattooing.

Week 4: Lighting and Shadow

Lighting and shadow play a crucial role in creating depth, volume, and realism in art. In this fourth week of our course, we will explore the principles of lighting and shadow and how they can be applied to tattoo art.

Week 5: Color

Color is a powerful tool in the tattoo artist's arsenal, capable of evoking emotions, setting moods, and creating visually stunning artwork. In this fifth week of our course, we will explore the principles of color theory and how they can be applied to tattoo art. You will learn about the color wheel, color harmony, and the psychology of color.

Week 6: Composition

Composition is the arrangement of elements within a work of art, including the placement of objects, colors, and shapes. In this final week of our course, we will explore the principles of composition and how they can be applied to tattoo art. You will learn about the rule of thirds, balance, symmetry, and other compositional techniques.

Louise Gasca was born in Aldershot, England. She studied Fine Art at the University of Hertfordshire and went on to complete a Postgraduate Certificate in Education. After relocating to the US, Louise became a Tattoo Artist through Ink Different Tattoo’s Tattoo School, and now tattoos in Orange County, CA.

Louise has continued to teach and create art in many different forms. She is always willing and eager to try new ideas and media, pushing the visual outcome to a place of beauty and excitement.

Working mainly with acrylics, Louise is heavily influenced by tattoo art in all its forms, especially the American Traditional style. Through her work, you catch a glimpse into how Louise sees the world. With all the beauty, vibrancy, and constant motion it holds. As such her work is always developing and changing, each piece leads her into the next.

Currently, Louise works as a tattoo artist and art instructor based out of Orange County CA. Here she is able to share her love and enthusiasm for all types of tattoo design and the radical self-expression it allows people to make.