
Tattoo Apprenticeship Blog

Throughout Ink Different Tattoo School' Tattoo Apprenticeship Blog, you'll learn everything you need to know about becoming a Professional Tattoo Artist. We’ve launched countless careers with our tattoo apprenticeships, and we have some great stories to share. Whether you’re a new tattoo artist, currently an apprentice, or someone considering an apprenticeship, there’s always more to learn! Check out our tattoo apprenticeship blog and get inspired by the success stories, our helpful guides, and informative interviews. The Ink Different Tattoo School Apprenticeship Blog also offers the latest news in the tattoo industry so you can stay up to date on all cutting-edge tattoo technology and trends. Jump-start your career and stay informed by checking our apprenticeship blog regularly!
September 7, 2023

Back to School, Front of the Line: Fast-Tracking Tattoo Artistry

  Hello, tattoo fans and aspiring ink artists! Let’s explore a journey different from the typical classroom experience as the summer days shorten and back-to-school time begins. Imagine yourself at the vanguard of the tattoo industry, avoiding the circuitous route and fast-tracking your Tattoo Artistry path to becoming a master tattooist. Intrigued? You should be because tattoo schools are the most exciting place in the world for creativity and careers to converge. Want to learn all about how to become a Tattoo Artist? Apply for the apprenticeship program at our Tattoo School! Find a tattoo apprenticeship near me  Your Time, […]
September 6, 2023

Top 5 Misconceptions Surrounding the Tattoo Industry in Cincinnati

Myth-Busting: Unveiling the Truth About the Tattoo Industry in Cincinnati That Liberates Your Artistic Calling  If you’re an artist with a passion for ink and have adorned your body with cherished tattoos, you might have pondered, ‘Why not embrace the role of a Tattoo Artist in Cincinnati‘s vibrant tattoo scene?’ Many Tattoo Artists have roots as art students, often transitioning from other creative mediums to the canvas of human skin. Your artistic inclination has likely been a constant since your youth, but the revelation that tattooing could be the avenue to monetize your passion might not have dawned on you. […]
September 5, 2023

6 Peligros Principales de un Kit para Aprender a Tatuar

No hay nada más emocionante que hacerse un tatuaje nuevo. Es un recordatorio permanente en tu cuerpo de un momento especial. Te conviertes en una obra de arte viviente y puedes lucir increíbles creaciones. Imagínate un tatuaje de tu Tatuador Profesional favorito directamente en tu piel. Y debido a que te gustan tanto los tatuajes, ahora estás pensando en lo genial que sería convertirte en un tatuador. Entonces, empiezas a buscar una manera de practicar el arte del tatuaje: y así concluyes que quieres un kit para aprender a tatuar. Es fácil hacer una búsqueda en línea y descubrir cuáles […]
September 4, 2023

Skip the Debt, Embrace the Ink: Your Back To School Tattoo Career

Hello, aspiring ink aficionados and Tattoo Artists! Let’s take a new and exciting look at what it means to set out on a tattoo career beyond the conventional classroom as the back-to-school season begins. Let’s leave textbooks and lecture halls behind and enter the world of tattoos, where we’ll find inspiration, passion, and a fantastic career path. Want to learn all about how to become a Tattoo Artist? Apply for the apprenticeship program at our Tattoo School! Find a tattoo apprenticeship near me  Crafting Your Own Path Imagine this: You can embrace the ink rather than accruing school debts and […]
August 31, 2023

How to Become A Tattoo Artist And Get Clients in Cincinnati

A Comprehensive Guide to Launching Your Tattoo Artist Career and Attracting Clients Swiftly The vibrant tattoo industry in Cincinnati holds boundless opportunities for aspiring artists! In fact, despite the city being home to many skilled artisans, the demand for new Tattoo Artists remains robust. Suppose you’re keen to embark on a journey within the tattoo realm in Cincinnati. In that case, the path involves honing proper tattoo training, seeking a tattoo mentor, crafting a distinct artistic style, harnessing the potential of online presence through social media, and relentlessly pursuing the most promising avenues as a Tattoo Artist. Delve into the […]
August 31, 2023

4 Consejos Para Elegir la Máquina para Tatuar Perfecta para Ti

Cualquier buen artista comprende la importancia de utilizar las herramientas adecuadas para el trabajo. Un pintor que ama crear paisajes de acuarela utilizará un pincel diferente al de un retratista que pinta en óleo. Un ceramista necesitará un buen torno de alfarero, mientras que un escultor podría necesitar una antorcha de soldadura de calidad. ¡Esto mismo sucede con los Tatuadores Profesionales! Cada máquina para tatuar tatuaría de manera distinta. ¿Estás eligiendo tu primera máquina para tatuar? ¿O estás agregando una más a tu colección? No importa tu situación, pero tener una buena máquina para tatuar te facilitará la creación de […]
August 30, 2023

7 Tips for Showcasing Your Tattoo Artistry in Philly

Seven Pointers for Philadelphia Tattoo Artists Hey there,  great Tattoo Artists of Philly! As an artist, your portfolio showcases the magnificent tattoo artistry that ignites your spirit. A compelling portfolio will make all the difference in getting clients and striking out in Philadelphia’s diverse tattoo scene. Regardless of your level of experience or where you are in your career, you can make it with good advice. Therefore, we’ll provide seven helpful hints in this article to help you showcase your Tattoo Artistry in Philly. Want to learn all about how to become a Tattoo Artist? Apply for the apprenticeship program […]
August 28, 2023

Top 6 Factors For a Career Change: Can Tattooing Set You Free?

Are you sick of dragging yourself to a job you detest daily after waking up and guzzling coffee? Do you long for a career that will allow you to express your artistic abilities and support yourself? If you identify with this, it could be time for a professional change— Can tattooing set you free?! A startling 50 million people left their occupations in 2022, with approximately 3.9 million leaving until March 2023. These people were worn out by their jobs’ constant struggle and lack of meaning. Where are they going, then? Many are traveling down unorthodox pathways! Some employment search […]
August 28, 2023

10 Remarkable Details of Chicago’s Tattooing History

Disclosing Chicago’s Fascinating Tattooing History Are you ready to learn about how vivid and fascinating Chicago’s tattooing history is? It resembles a multicolored tapestry woven with stories about artistic expression and individual identity. So let’s embark on a journey and delve into Chicago’s fascinating tattooing heritage. Want to learn all about how to become a Tattoo Artist? Apply for the apprenticeship program at our Tattoo School! Find a tattoo apprenticeship near me 1. From Wild Onion to Windy City:  Here we are, exploring Chicago’s intriguing tattooing history! Imagine that Chicago was once an untamed country home to Native American tribes […]