Tattoo Apprenticeship Blog & State Tattoo Licensing Guides

Throughout Ink Different Tattoo School' Tattoo Apprenticeship Blog, you'll learn everything you need to know about becoming a Professional Tattoo Artist. We’ve launched countless careers with our tattoo apprenticeships, and we have some great stories to share. Whether you’re a new tattoo artist, currently an apprentice, or someone considering an apprenticeship, there’s always more to learn! Check out our tattoo apprenticeship blog and get inspired by the success stories, our helpful guides, and informative interviews. The Ink Different Tattoo School Apprenticeship Blog also offers the latest news in the tattoo industry so you can stay up to date on all cutting-edge tattoo technology and trends. Jump-start your career and stay informed by checking our apprenticeship blog regularly!
October 20, 2024

Why New York City’s Halloween Parade Is the Ultimate Event for Tattoo Lovers

What Makes New York City’s Halloween Parade So Famous? New York City’s Halloween Parade isn’t just any Halloween event—it’s the ultimate celebration of all things spooky and creative. Every October 31st, Greenwich Village becomes the place for anyone looking to show off their wildest costumes and imaginative outfits. If you’ve ever wanted to be surrounded by zombies, witches, vampires, and superheroes all at once, this is your chance. It’s like stepping into a real-life movie set where anything goes. What makes New York City’s Halloween Parade so famous? Well, for one, it’s the biggest Halloween parade in the U.S. Thousands […]
September 29, 2024

Why are Halloween Tattoos so Popular

What’s the Deal with Halloween, Anyway? Halloween is when adults dress up like kids, kids get to eat candy like it’s their full-time job, and everyone collectively agrees that getting scared is fun. But where did this whole spooky season even come from? and why are Halloween tattoos so popular? Believe it or not, Halloween’s roots run deep. We’re talking over 2,000 years ago to a little thing called the Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced sow-in—but no one will judge you if you call it Sam Hain by accident). Samhain was the Celts’ way of marking the end of the […]